
List of Easy Pass Mobile Tickets API

GET v1/easypassagency/fareproducts

Get the list of avaiable products

POST v1/easypassagency/purchase

Purchase a mobile pass

POST v1/easypassagency/purchasedlist

Get the list of EasyPass already Purchase but not actived yet

POST v1/easypassagency/activepass

Active a Specific Easy Pass for a Customer, this will call passport api to purchase a pass. Return the Passport easy pass information, and remove the passes from the list of purchased passes

POST v1/easypassagency/activedlist

Get list of actived passes, call the Passport api to get the list of active passes for the customer.

GET v1/easypassagency/currenttime

Get the current date and time of the server


GET v1/SFRTAOffenders?from={from}&to={to}

No documentation available.

GET v1/SFRTAOffenders?id={id}

No documentation available.

PUT v1/SFRTAOffenders?id={id}

No documentation available.

POST v1/SFRTAOffenders

No documentation available.

DELETE v1/SFRTAOffenders?id={id}

No documentation available.